Tag Archives: Rori Trovato recipe

Moroccan Chicken over Couscous

13 Dec

Feeling that it had been far too long since we’d made an Oprah dish–read: had a home-cooked meal–last night we decided to try Moroccan Chicken over Couscous. (See chef Rori Trovato’s recipe here or on page 120 of The Oprah Magazine Cookbook.)

The recipe claims to be super easy, and I guess it was. What was weird for me, though, is that the dish calls for chicken thighs, as opposed to the boneless skinless chicken breasts I’m used to cooking. (This odd aversion is probably due to my friend Afke’s vegan influence back in my early university days!)

For those of you used to cooking with various bird products, however, this dish is delicious! Chicken, cumin, pepper, olive oil, chicken stock, fresh mint, chopped kalamata olives, all served on a bed of couscous–you get the picture.

It was savoury, pretty quick to assemble, and Chad wanted seconds right away. I consider that a make again, relatively odd bird parts and all. Hey, I guess I knew I was in for eating some things I wouldn’t normally choose to make, given my commitment to making all 175 recipes featured in The Oprah Magazine Cookbook! 🙂